For those of you who have yet to discover Harmony Central, this is one of the best music related sites on the web. You will find everything from new gear news and reviews to classifieds, tab, online lessons, discussion forums and more.
The well known german language music magazine where the owner and leader of the BSM company Bernd C. Meiser is writing for. Don´t miss his highly regarded technical articles.
Mr. R.G. Keen´s great websource for all kinds of DIY fx-related electronics. Don´t miss to visit this page.
The musicians DIY webpage with a lot of helpful projects, devided into stompboxes, guitars and amps. Everything there is for free, check it out !
When you are looking for a certain schematic, this is a good place to start from. Enjoy some reading here and you will know where a lot of ideas are coming from.
Friends & Partners
If you are looking for a tank-like-build switching box, you can stop seeking - this is the right place for you. Don´t miss to see the very special "stability test" video on this page ;-)
The goal: The perfect transmission of sound signals ! Developed and engineered in Switzerland, this highly specialized cables represent the most innovative audio design found today. Using only the purest raw materials, VOVOX sound conductors ensure a flawless flow of sound information - from the musician’s instrument in the studio or on stage to the loudspeaker at home.
Nice place to trade your used stuff ... and of course to buy something new ;-) It´s a mixture of german and english ads, so feel free to have a look.
A nice and little bit crazy online shop for all kind of music gear in the style of an old wild west saloon. It´s in german but international customers are always welcome.
Great advertising and marketing company with new and innovative ideas for your business, ask for Mrs. Susanne Roos. English spoken!
The Pedalboard-Group is the largest german-speaking forum for effect-pedal fans and nerds in the social network. On their website you will find, among other pedal-related information, the largest Pedal-Power-List to optimize your gear.
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